What we doThe TSAA seeks information and support on behalf of its membership through:
Our PhilosophyThe purpose of the Association is to support people with Tourette Syndrome and increase awareness of the disability among medical practitioners, public utilities and the general public. The activities of the Association are all geared towards achieving the stated purpose and include:
Corporate StructureThe TSAA is a volunteer run, membership based organisation, established in 1989 by families and medical professionals who recognised the need for support and awareness in the community for those who have Tourette Syndrome. We are a NSW Incorporated Association and an Australian Registered Charity. Our operations are goverened by the NSW Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (AI Act) and Associations Incorporation Regulation 2022 (AI Regulation). Our Constitution is our governing document. Our Constitution and Annual Reports are publicly available on the Australian Charities and Not-for Profits Commission website. Today we have hundreds of members throughout Australia. We are currently the only organisation in Australia representing people with TS. Our membership comprises people affected by TS, those who have TS, other support organisations, schools, educators, medical professionals and anyone with an interest in TS. | What does being a member of the TSAA mean?The members of an incorporated association have certain rights and responsibilities under the AI Act, the association's Constitution, and the law developed by the courts (judge-made law or common law). Importantly, members of the association can attend general meetings and vote on particular matters such as:
The TSAA's Constitution must set out the procedures for an ‘annual general meeting’ and for ‘special general meetings’; formal meetings where the members can make official decisions. Under the AI Act the TSAA’s Constitution must also set out the rights, obligations and liabilities of members, including:
The members of an incorporated association are not responsible for making decisions about the overall running of the association – that is the job of the committee. The members may be (and often are) involved in carrying out the association's activities (for example, helping with camps and support groups), but this is different to having the legal responsibility for management of the association. Sometimes the line between these two can seem unclear or artificial. If the Constitution doesn’t specifically state that a decision must be made by the members, then it’s likely to come under the overall responsibility of the committee. The committee may then choose to delegate ‘the doing’ to others (for example, involve members, volunteers or paid staff to actually do what is needed). |