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The team behind the TSAA

TSAA Committee

TSAA Members can access the members-only section where Committee News is published.

Other Key People

TSAA Public Officer

Rosita Sunna

Rosita's passion for advocating for Tourette Syndrome (TS) emerged when her son was diagnosed with TS and other coexisting neurological disorders. She has volunteered as a TSAA Support Group Leader and was for over seven years a TSAA Phone Volunteer. Her time working and volunteering at TSAA, the stories shared by people impacted by TS and coexisting disorders plus her personal experiences with TS have provided Rosita with insights into the complexity of TS and other neurological conditions. Rosita is the Vice-President and one of the founding members of "Tics and Tourette across the Globe (TTAG)," an international umbrella organisation for TS.

Medical Advisor

Professor Perminder Sachdev AM, MD, PhD, FRANZCP

Scientia Professor of Neuropsychiatry, School of Psychiatry University of New South Wales.

Co-Director, CHeBA (Centre for Health Brain Ageing), UNSW Medicine and Director, Neuropsychiatric Institute, Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick.

Newsletter Editor

Belinda Milne

The TSAA's quarterly newsletter is one of the benefits of becoming a TSAA member.  Our newsletter provides updates on events such as camps, news on the activities of the association, and stories and articles on TS.

TSAA Patron

Chris Crewther MP, MDipl, LLM IntLaw, LLB Hons

Chris was appointed in 2017 as the TSAA's Patron and established the Parliamentary Friendship Group of Tourette Syndrome as a Member of Federal Parliament.  Chris used his maiden speech in Parliament to create awareness of Tourette Syndrome.

Medical & Publicity Liaison Officer

Professor Valsamma Eapen MBBS, PhD, FRCPsych, FRANZCP

Chair, Infant Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of New South Wales

Head, Academic Unit of Child Psychiatry, South West Sydney (AUCS)

ICAMHS, Mental Health Centre, Liverpool Hospital, Liverpool, NSW

National Support Group Coordinator

Rebecca Brackin

This role entails keeping in touch with our support group leaders andmentors, sharing information and supporting them and reporting back to the TSAA Committee on their current activities and status. People interested in becoming a support group leader or mentor are put in touch with Rebecca to guide and assist them in establishing a support group or mentoring.

TSAA Ambassadors

James Sayers

James, or “Ninja Twitch” as he is known to many, is an adult with Tourette Syndrome and an ambassador for Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia. His inspirational appearances on several seasons of Australian Ninja Warrior has made him a fan favourite with kids and adults alike. Once described on the show as 'Ninja Royalty', James is a phenomenal advocate for people with Tourette Syndrome and brings a great energy to everything he does.

Seamus Evans

Tourette Syndrome can be both hilarious and horrible in the same sentence, it all depends on the individual living with it. When I was younger, I hated it, I wanted to be normal like everyone else and these tics caused major embarrassment. Now I LOVE them, they make me and everyone else laugh (With me not at me, there is a big difference)

As an ambassador for The Tourette Syndrome Association Australia and professional keynote speaker I educate the world on Tourette Syndrome while making them laugh too.

Office Coordinator

Misook Pelzman

Our office coordinator responds to the emails that come into our office, assists with communictions and the organisation of events.

TS Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia

Copyright Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia Inc.

Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia Inc. is a registered Australian Charity

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