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Workplace Giving

What is workplace giving?

Workplace giving is a joint relationship between employers, employees and charities.  Individuals donate a portion of their pre-tax salary to charity and receive the tax benefit straight away rather than waiting until the end of financial year.

To learn more or to see if workplace giving is a good fit for you please go to the ATO site:

benevity logo If your workplace uses Benevity for workplace giving you can now choose the TSAA as your chosen charity to support.

If your workplace doesn’t partner with a workplace giving platform or they do but the TSAA is not registered with the platform, please encourage them to consider nominating the Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia so that we can get set up. In many cases we will be able to avoid the setting up costs if we are nominated by an employer/business saving the association between $250 - $350.


Copyright Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia Inc.

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