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Leave a Bequest

Change the lives of others and leave a lasting legacy

Your contribution can help make a real difference to those living with Tourette Syndrome (TS) as well as their families and friends who support them.

Bequest gifts are managed by the TSAA committee allowing the future security and establishment of long term goals. Bequests also permit development of larger projects and programs.

When arranging your will please consider the impact your gift would make to future generations affected by Tourette Syndrome.

How to leave a gift to TSAA in your will:

You do not have to be wealthy in this lifetime to help others. Even a small percentage will touch the lives of others and leave a lasting legacy.

Suggested wording for your will

If you are planning to include a gift in your will to TSAA, we recommend that you consult your solicitor, trustee company or the Public Trustee regarding the correct wording. To assist your solicitor we have included suggested wording here.

1. To leave a sum of money to Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia (TSAA):

"I GIVE the sum of $_______ to Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia inc. (TSAA) ABN 76 104 434 459 to be applied for general purposes (OR a specific purpose to be stated). The receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of TSAA will be a complete discharge to my Trustee for the payment of this sum and my Trustee will not be bound to see to the application of this sum."


2. If you wish to leave a proportion of your Estate to Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia (TSAA):

"I direct my Trustee to divide the residue of my Estate, both real and personal, into equal shares and I GIVE shares to Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia inc. (TSAA) ABN 76 104 434 459, to be applied for general purposes (OR a specific purpose to be stated). The receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of TSAA will be a complete discharge to my Trustee for the payment of this sum and my Trustee will not be bound to see to the application of this sum."


3. If you wish to leave specific property to Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia (TSAA):

"I GIVE the following items of my property and personal effects to Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia inc. (TSAA) ABN 76 104 434 459, to be applied for general purposes (OR a specific purpose to be stated). The receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of TSAA will be a complete discharge to my Trustee for this gift and my Trustee will not be bound to see to the application of this gift."


Copyright Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia Inc.

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