Support groups have been shown to be valuable in assisting people with TS to manage. Sharing information and strategies can be very good, and of course the acceptance and understanding one can find is a positive thing. Recent research shows that support groups have a beneficial effect on living with TS.
The TSAA hold support group events regularly. To find out more contact the TSAA and let us know your location to find the nearest support group to you. Non-members can attend one support group catch-up, to see if it suits them, before becoming a member.
A support mentor is an individual who provides guidance, assistance, and emotional support to individuals with Tourette Syndrome (TS). They play a vital role in helping people with TS navigate the challenges and complexities associated with the condition. A support mentor for someone with Tourette Syndrome serves as a source of understanding and empathy. They may have personal experience with TS themselves or have received specific training to support individuals with the condition. Support mentors are available to members of the TSAA.
If you are a TSAA member you can access the current support group and mentor details here.