In 2018, we created a series of thought provoking posters and social media tiles create an empathetic, eye-catching campaign. We want to delve into the issues of what people with TS face on a daily basis and what their ‘normal’ is. By presenting daily routine activities aligned with symptoms of TS and subsquent behaviours of others with the cyclic metaphor – eat, sleep, tic, repeat – the relentless nature of living with Tourettes is portrayed. Powerful images with different words describing tics help people understand what a normal daily routine is. At the same time, knowledge of the extensive variety and individuality of tics is increased through blank versions to fill in with one’s own symptoms. We aim to break the stigma of TS and illustrate how relentless the cycle of the condition can be on a regular basis. Breaking the stigma will lower the side effects that are associated with TS such as stress, anxiety and depression. |
This campaign was aimed at:
• General Practitioners, to be used in the waiting room and by GP’s to keep on hand to assist future patients. • Community Groups, to be placed in local libraries and community centres. Gaining even a basic understanding of TS will decrease the likelihood of making dismissive comments about it, joking about it, or making comments that damage perceptions of TS. |