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Awareness Week 2021

'tic' the box on inclusion & embrace diversity in the workplace

In 2021 we focussd our campaign on workplaces.  Our research revealed that three quarters of Australians agreed  that workplaces need to be more inclusive when it came  to hiring people with a disability.  Yet one in two admiteted they would have a problem working alongside someone with Tourette Syndrome.  

Despite a quarter (24%) of employed Australians agreeing that their workplaces could do more to embrace diversity, one in two (47%) admit they would have a problem working alongside someone that had involuntary tics, such as screaming or yelling. A further 42% wouldn’t be happy working alongside someone with a physical or swearing tic. 

With discrimination in the workplace a hot topic this year, our research further found less than half (47%) of all Australians had worked with someone with a disability. Of those, a quarter said their colleague with a disability wasn’t given the same opportunities as everyone else (26%) and were treated differently (24%)

We encouraged Aussies to ‘tic’ the box on inclusion and embrace disabilities in the workplace by sharing a selfie of themselves or their colleagues with the hashtags #ticthebox and #TSAW21.

#ticthebox 'tic' the box on inclusion & embrace disabilities in the workplace

75% of Australians Agree Workplaces should be more inclusive.  Yet 50% admit they would have a problem working with someone with Tourette Syndrome

#TSAW21 We encouraged Aussies to ‘tic’ the box on inclusion and embrace disabilities in the workplace by sharing a selfie of themselves or their colleagues with the hashtags #ticthebox and #TSAW21.

Copyright Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia Inc.

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